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Pop Art artist Margarita Kriebitzsch


Pop Art Gallery MARGARITA

Producer gallery

Weidestrasse 122A • 22083 Hamburg / AlsterCity

Opening times and personal appointments by arrangement

4 shop windows full of art in the Bülow-Haus:

Schauenburger Str. 34 • 20095 Hamburg

Permanent exhibition
at Fidelity Acker & Buck oHG
Adlerstrasse 79 • 25462 Rellingen near Hamburg

Pop Art Gallery Margarita, Weidestraße 122A,  Hamburg. Eingang in die Galerie. In den Schaufenstern sieht man Original Gemälde, Pop Art Portraits von Rock Legenden und Kunst-Minis. Die Galerie ist nach Terminabsprache geöffnet.

Pop Art Gallery MARGARITA

Producer gallery

Weidestrasse 122A • 22083 Hamburg / AlsterCity

Opening times and personal appointments by arrangement

4 shop windows full of art in the Bülow-Haus:

Schauenburger Str. 34 • 20095 Hamburg

Permanent exhibition
at Fidelity Acker & Buck oHG
Adlerstrasse 79 • 25462 Rellingen near Hamburg


Pop Art Gallery MARGARITA

Producer gallery

Weidestrasse 122A • 22083 Hamburg / AlsterCity

Opening times and personal appointments by arrangement

4 shop windows full of art in the Bülow-Haus:

Schauenburger Str. 34 • 20095 Hamburg

Permanent exhibition
at Fidelity Acker & Buck oHG
Adlerstrasse 79 • 25462 Rellingen near Hamburg

Pop Art Gallery Margarita - Dauerausstellung bei der Firma Fidelity in Rellingen bei Hamburg. Großformatige Original Acryl Gemälde. Pop Art Portraits von David Bowie, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix und Jean Michelle Jarre

Kunst von Margarita Kriebitzsch kaufen bei
Men's Needs Store & Lounge GmbH
Valentinskamp 18 • 20354 Hamburg
+49 (0)171 - 35 85 118

Pop Art Gallery Margarita bei Men's Needs Store & Lounge GmbH Valentinskamp 18, 20354 Hamburg

As a well-known Hamburg based artist, I‘ve been showcased in solo and group exhibitions across the world. My work offers perspective into a variety of themes in a way that is accessible to a wide range of audiences. Explore my portfolio to find out more.

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